TIME 9:53 AM (PST)
DATE Thursday January 25, 2024

The power of the full moon brings light into the areas that we seek to hide from ourselves or others. Along with this full moon, we are continuing our transition into the New Year 2024 and the current shift with Pluto into Aquarius.
RULING PLANET for LEO: | ELEMENT: | SIGN: | Physical body influenced by Leo: |
The Sun | Fire | The Lion | Heart and the Back |
RULING PLANET for AQUARIUS: | ELEMENT: | SIGN: | Physical body influenced by Aquarius: |
Uranus | Air | The Water Bearer | Blood and the Legs |
Keywords: I WILL, WE KNOW!
The light of this moon along with other planetary energy may bring in strong, independent aggressive or even combative energy. It does not mean you take a stance in this direction. But you could feel it, or others could think that this is how you are responding to them when you may just be feeling like making decisions for yourself and not being bothered by others during these next several days.
Use the energy from our New Moon that we are moving through and be disciplined and know in your heart how others could react to your harsh reaction.
Balance yourself within the energy frequencies below to help with this current cycle of light coming your way. It can be heavy at times!
Incoming Energies with this Full Moon in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius:
Lower Frequency
Attention Seeking
Drama, Dramatic
Higher Frequency
Big Hearted
Heart Based decisions
As we move through the first month of 2024, you may be feeling the heavy need to change and go out on your own. Many of you may have entered the new year planning to shift what no longer fits in your world. You have the push to do this with the current planetary energy that is helping us settle into 2024. With this Leo Full Moon you are being given the gift of taking action and using your personal power from within to create the outer world that you require for you.
What are you itching to get completed?
What have you stalled on starting?
Pluto in Aquarius brings deep and cold truths to the collective. It does not care what you call it - Pluto has been "kicked out" of being called a planet, then called a planet again, then not - it really doesn't matter to It. It has its own truth no matter what it's labeled. This "hard" and steadfast Truth is what Pluto brings to the collective now. This is where its transformative power comes from. It just Is, like it or not. As it shifts, and with this full moon in Leo, further questions arise for yourself:
What are you bringing to the table for the collective?
What hard truths must we face collectively for the good of all?
Are you using your voice/roar for those who have no voice or who have been silenced?
Leo is only the King of the Jungle because they have realized that Ruling has nothing to do with oppression - it has to do with caring for the most vulnerable; using one's wisdom to care for self and others equally without imbalance.
How are you using your wisdom?
Are you the one you need to care for now, or is it others? Or both?
You have the power of The Lion to escort you through changes that you are ready to make and the flow of communication from your guides to set it all up. Use what you have been learning over the past year and begin to make conscious steps towards what you are ready to tackle. This is a time to trust what you have planed for your-self and do it!
“Sending positive Energy and Light to you.”
Full Moon Foundation
We would love to help guide you into 2024 with a plan that will allow you to finally shift those patterns that are holding you back.
Don’t let the clock of life continue to tick down without making changes. Email us at info@fullmoonfoundation.com to schedule a free consultation.
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