As we discussed earlier this year and again during the Blast Off Energy Report for 2024, we are being bombarded with heavy energy that is leaving lasting imprints on our mind and bodies. Hitting us emotionally, physically and mentally. There is no mistake that you are here now to experience the lead into one of the most powerful lit up energy years on record.
This is a time to settle into your comfort zone and take a deep look at what triggers you, what causes you to be calm and where you fall in between. The dance of light has begun, and this is a guide to remind you to take charge of your bodies. PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY and rise to your SPIRITUAL essence that is not of this world.
This is the time for you to empower yourself with all the love and light and determination to do what is best for you- Make your plan and learn to work it to the best of your own ability.
Balancing the “bodies” is important and will allow you to reach your highest and best decision-making ability that will supersede anything that is not of the light. We are witnessing a true shift as we continue to enter the Age of Aquarius, and you will be feeling and witnessing a lot from this point on.
As we assist our clients, we remind you that a lot of energy is coming that will disturb and distract you from what you set out to do. Stay conscious and in the NOW moment so you can bear witness to the beautiful changes that are coming to earth. Do not be scared and do not get rattled.
Balancing and heading into NATURE will assist you with resetting your objectives and your focus can once again go back to you.
PHYSICAL BODY- The body you picked to inhabit during your time on earth.
Appreciate your body
Breathe deeply through your body
Exercise your body – Cardio, Stretch, Walk, Weightlifting, Yoga,
Feed your body – Food, Supplements, Loving Thoughts to you
Ground your body – Anywhere outside in nature -
Beach, Lake, Stream
Under the Sun
Hug A Tree
Walk Barefoot on the earth or Grass
Under the Light of the Full Moon
Hydrate your Body
Send love to your body – Speak the words to yourself
How is your body feeling?
MENTAL BODY – Your Thoughts
What are you thinking?
Is it positive or negative?
Are your thoughts truly your thoughts?
Or old wounded thoughts from someone else?
Are you repeating patterns?
What are your beliefs? Are they truly your beliefs?
What traumatic thoughts are running through your mind?
What is triggering you?
Who is triggering you?
Why is it triggering you?
Do you feel stuck?
What are you questioning?
SPIRITUAL BODY – Your Higher Self
What gentle whispers do you hear or feel that are of love?
Loving Whispers?
Gentle nudges to do something that is good for you?
Empowering you?
We are at a shift in the energies or frequencies here on earth that are beginning to wake people up, perhaps wake you up to a higher plan for you. This is a beautiful plan, that will engage you in working from your heart instead of your mind (MENTAL BODY). This is a time to let go and shift into a more awakened soul. This happens as your DNA is “lit” up from incoming energies that are here for humanity to evolve into a kinder loving facet of humanity. We were once like this, and we can return to this.
It is important to stay within your Torus of energy during these times of Transformation and Bombardment. As we have said before, treat these incoming energies using Energetic Tai Chi - let them come and flow around you like a traffic circle. Continue to know yourself and strengthen your Torus and Personal Grid as you continue your transformations. The energies will come, and sometimes "warble" your field. Realign and continue on your own journey. Not in denial of Them, but to reinforce the strength of You.
Watch how it all unfolds over the next 20 years. You will enjoy the outcome and feel the best you have felt in any lifetime that you have participated in. We all have it within us. There is more to us than we are ever told. You know it, I know it and we all have it within us. It is time for you to empower yourself to be the best you can be.
This does take time and it is truly learning to walk again on the earth in a new way, a new earth or a new world as some like to say. You have the ability within you to heal yourself of trauma and physical issues that are slowing you down and pulling you back. The next evolution of humanity is here, and the POWERS will assist those that are ready to activate more of their DNA and awaken to their true self.
Enjoy the ride and learn to navigate the storms that are present here on Earth. We ride through this solar system with the ability to duck and cover or rise and shine. You choose when to do it and how to do it.
We send much Love and Light from the Full Moon Foundation Team
Contact us for more information on how to do this work.
Chakra Balancing, Energy Clearing, QHHT, Sessions, Soul Retrieval, Spiritual Regression Sessions are just a few of the options we offer to assist you in healing and waking up to your own true potential. Email us with any questions or to schedule a free consultation.